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Student Sector Update

April 09, 2019 11:49 AM | Deleted user

Hello fellow IPA members!

As the student sector representative, I am gearing up for the IPA conference in May.  It looks like there will be some great programming available to students attending the conference including presentations on telehealth, ACT for the treatment of compulsive disorders, and presentations and the opportunity to meet with Dr. Puente, and more! I look forward to the student presentations and the poster session from some of my fellow ISU undergrad and graduate students.

It is also my pleasure to report that myself and 4 other students from ISU participated in the AAPIC match this year and everyone has matched and is ready to go forth on internship!

With the IPA conference approaching, this also means that we are looking for a new student sector representative! This is a one year appointment where a student member of IPA reports concerns and interests of psychology students to the board. More details about the position can be found here. Next years representative will also be encouraged to write on IPA’s new blog!

It has been my pleasure being the student representative for IPA and I look forwarding to meeting everyone at the conference!

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